Monday, December 23, 2019

Theodor (Ted) Albert Gotthilf Mundt was the third child of August and Elizabeth Mundt. Born Feb. 26, 1893, he was 12 when his father died of tuberculosis. His older brother, John, was 17 at the time and his youngest brother, Christian, was 2. All the children were very busy, either on the family farm, or working for neighbors to provide some income for the family. (There is, of course, a lot more information in the family history books that Jim and Nola Mayes provided for their children and grandchildren.)

When Theodor was 21-22, he 'dated' a pretty girl in the congregation - Hulda Erna Koopmann.

Theodor and Hulda were married on Nov. 26, 1915.

Their first child, Nola, was born May 4, 2016. Uncle Jim has pointed out that, at that time, a young couple who had 'rushed' things were expected to stand up and apologize to the congregation. I never heard anyone say that Ted and Hulda did that, although Ted was known as a 'preacher's kid.' Nola was pretty deep into her Alzheimer's when Gramps Mayes informed me that Gramma 'always' knew that she was a 9-pound, 3 month premature baby - and that was the reason why Gramma was so insecure.

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